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미드 자막없이 즐겨라 - 안병규 / 로그인

미드 자막없이 즐겨라 - 10점
안병규 지음/로그인

드라마 속 주인공들은 사랑을 속삭일 때, 같이 술을 마실 때, 칭찬하고 위로할 때 어떤 영어를 사용할까? <그레이 아나토미>, &l;t위기의 주부들>, <프렌즈> 등 인기 미국드라마 30편을 선정, 300여개 에피소드를 샅샅이 뒤져 상황별로 미드속 인물들이 가장 많이 사용하는 표현들만 엄선했다.

네이티브와 대화가 안 통하는 교과서 영어가 아니라 진정 통하는 영어를 갈망했던 사람들을 위한 회화책이다. 단순한 표현 나열에 그치지 않고, 각 표현의 뉘앙스에 대한 상세한 설명, 정확한 느낌을 전해주는 대화예문, 우리말을 보고 표현을 떠올려보는 연습문제 등을 통해 학습자가 표현을 제대로 이해하고 네이티브와의 실전대화에 응용할 수 있게끔 했다.

미드를 이용한 영어학습법, 수준별 추천미드, 15개 미드에 대한 스토리와 영어분석 등 16년 동안 미국 드라마와 시트콤으로 영어강의를 해온 저자의 노하우가 그대로 녹아 있다. 미드 속도로 녹음한 MP3 CD 1장과, 안병규 어학원의 <그레이 아나토미> 동영상 강좌를 무료로 수강할 수 있는 쿠폰이 부록으로 제공된다.

머리말 - 미드를 영어공부에 강추하는 이유
미드 200% 활용하는 영어학습법
내게 맞는 미드를 골라라
이 책의 구성 및 특징

Episode 01 눈에 넣어도 안 아파요! - 연애.결혼
We’re a match made in heaven. / I’m already spoken for. / have a crush on / play hard to get / I’m looking for Mr. Right. / make a pass at / have a fling / a chip off the old block / run in the family / She took my breath away. / a man of the town / He’s a womanizer. / He’s the apple of my eye. / He is a pushover. / have a baby on the way / Are you seeing her? / We hit it off. / pop the question / get along with / tie the knot / get hitched / bun in the oven / play the heavy
안병규의 미드 열전 - Desperate Housewives

Episode 02 오늘 스타일 좋은데! - 외모.성격
She looked about forty, give or take. / She looks all of 12. / She’s very down-to-earth. / She’s really stuck up. / loose cannon / That took a lot of nerve. / be all the rage / doll up / She lights up the room. / jack of all trades / Are you teasing me? / wet behind the ear / You’re such a chicken. / You are a party animal. / Your picture doesn’t do you justice. / Whatever floats your boat. / dress down / She’s really picky. / a flash in the pan / die hard / out of fashion / May I try on these pants? / You’re so distracting.
안병규의 미드 열전 - Sex and the City

Episode 03 오늘은 내가 쏜다! - 술.식당
She was wasted. / I’m on the wagon. / One more round. / I’m already pretty high. / It’s on me. / I could eat a horse. / live from hand to mouth / face the music / I got a raw deal. / Can I have a doggy bag? / eat like a bird / Hold the onions. / Bum a smoke? / She can really hold her liquor. / It makes my mouth water. / I totally blanked out. / do something on the side / Bottoms up! / You drink like a fish. / lean on the bottle / hit the spot / Help yourself. / That comes with soup and salad. / I’m expecting company. / For here or to go? / stop and smell the flowers / Who brings home the bacon? / sponge off / We’re on a first name basis.
안병규의 미드 열전 - Frasier

Episode 04 무슨 얘기인데 그래? - 대화
Come again. / speaking of which / Now you’re talking my language. / Out with it! / pull one’s leg / What’s the point? / word has it that~ / You name it. / I take it back. / Hold your horses. / have angry words with / mind one’s p’s and q’s / What on earth is that? / What’s it to you? / You don’t know the half of it. / It’s always the case. / I’m just thinking out loud. / shoot the breeze / Cat got your tongue? / Why the sudden interest? / It goes without saying. / I’m not good with words. / tell on / My ears are burning. / I’m speechless. / talk to death / the talk of the town / run out of things to say / It’s the other way around. / I’m opting out.
안병규의 미드 열전 - Joey

Episode 05 오늘 밤에 한잔 어때? - 일상
You know the drill. / I got a flat tire. / Tonight is tough. / take the liberty of ~ing / Can I tag along? / Coming through. / Move over. / Are you begging z’s? / All the seats are taken. / It’s a school night. / What’s the occasion? / run errands / Put her through. / Give me a buzz. / She’s on the phone. / pull over / Saddle up. / I can’t carry a tune. / What a coincidence! / just for the hell of it / Have we met by any chance? / I’ll clear out. / be ready to roll / get squared away / ring off the hook
안병규의 미드 열전 - Gilmore Girls

Episode 06 머리가 지끈지끈 하네~ -몸.건강
be in good shape / go into cardiac arrest / I’m really burned out. / I’m just beat. / I have a frog in my throat. / nervous wreck / sweat like a pig / sleep like a log / burn the candle at both ends / be stressed to the max / be out of shape / You have a good figure. / Your health is at stake. / fully under / on the road to recovery / It’s a force of habit. / I have two left feet. / ball of nerves / Lighten up! / I tossed and turned all night. / I was so red in the face. / without batting an eye / snatch someone from the jaws of death / in the right headspace for / a shoulder to cry on / clap eyes on / look in distaste
안병규의 미드 열전 - 3rd Rock from the Sun

Episode 07 아, 옛날 생각 난다! - 기분.기억
Let’s just let bygones be bygones. / I am way too wired. / I’m on cloud nine today. / It’s his pet peeve. / It’s a bittersweet feeling. / I feel like a third wheel. / wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve / Why are you a sour puss? / break the ice / Why the long face? / What’s eating you? / I’m not really in the mood. / I have a hankering for a drink. / You look really bummed out. / down in the dumps / bored out of my mind / It’s tempting. / It was real drag. / for old time’s sake / I can’t get her out of my mind. / sick as a dog / That’s so lame. / I cried my eyes out last night. / bring something home to a person / get a chuckle / run back over the past / if my memory serves right / keep one’s memory alive / get one’s hopes up / I can’t stand it.
안병규의 미드 열전 - How I Met Your Mother

Episode 08 나도 그랬었거든. - 능력.경험
He’s a real know it all. / I wasn’t born yesterday. / all thumbs / It’s over my head. / It’s beyond me. / That’s news to me. / I’m a little at sea. / You read me like a book.
/ It was a snap. / You have a lot of guts. / I’ll take a chance. / draw the line / eat out of one’s hand / I’m out of your league. / I’m over the hill. / get wind of / Am I missing something here? / I got the hang of it. / pay one’s dues / show a lot of promise / I’m not cut out for this. / He has deep pockets. / the survival of the fittest / second to none / be around the block a few times / It’s doable. / make oneself cheap
안병규의 미드 열전 - Ugly Betty

Episode 09 어깨 펴고 힘내! - 격려.위로
Break a leg. / Give it a shot. / Rest assured. / Way to go! / No sweat. / Pull yourself together. / Don’t beat yourself up. / Don’t dwell on the past. / Keep up the good work. / Follow your heart. / Let’s face it. / Go for it! / Don’t take it too hard. / Hang in there. / Grow up! / I’ve got your back. / Mark my word. / Don’t take things so seriously. / Go easy. / No big deal. / call for a toast / be better off without / Couldn’t be better. / Step it up. / Buck up! / put one’s mind to it / Nothing much. / hang on one’s sleeves
안병규의 미드 열전 - One Tree Hill

Episode 10 네가 최고야! - 부탁.칭찬
Take my word for it. / Get off my back. / Think long and hard. / Cut me some slack. / from the bottom of my heart / Back me up. / Stop bugging me. / bear in mind / I’m so flattered. / I have feelings for you. / heart-to-heart / Save me the trouble. / Behave yourself. / I feel your pain. / We can work it out. / That’s really a bummer. / Leave it up to me. / Can you do me a favor? / cross my heart and hope to die / lean towards / load off one’s mind
안병규의 미드 열전 - The King of Queens

Episode 11 제 말이 그 말이에요. - 동의.반대
Not in a million years. / It’s out of the question. / It’s balderdash. / see eye to eye / You can say that again. / My sentiments exactly. / the pros and cons / Vice versa. / I’m all for it. / Tell me about it. / There you go! / So be it. / Suit yourself. / with all due respect / Not a chance. / I couldn’t agree with you more. / That sounds fair. / It’ll work. / Likewise. / I don’t buy it. / No way. / Same here. / Sure thing! / Be my guest. / If you say so.
안병규의 미드 열전 - Ally McBeal

Episode 12 늦으면 안 돼! - 시간.약속
around the corner / right off the bat / I lost track of time. / before you know it / I’ll meet you there at 10 o’clock sharp. / from time to time / I gave you my word. / take a rain check / bumper to bumper / It’s about time. / in no time / on the dot / On the double! / Thank you for coming on such short notice. / at an ungodly hour / round-the-clock / sooner than later / The night is still young. / in the nick of time / at the crack of dawn / It’s time to set things straight. / For the good old days. / Buckle up. / take one’s sweet time / Your secrets are safe with me. / spill the beans / beat the traffic / Can you give me a ride?
안병규의 미드 열전 - Two and a Half Men

Episode 13 연락이 뚝 끊겼어요! - 인사.안부
Drop me a line. / Keep me posted. / I didn’t catch your name. / How are you holding up? / I’ll show myself out. / I’ll catch up. / Bright and early. / What’s with you? / I’ll have my fingers crossed. / I’m sorry for your loss. / Thank you for your condolences. / I wish you all the best. / I was in the neighborhood. / Let’s call it a day. / Rise and shine. / Sleep tight! / Make yourself at home. / What brings you here? / Where are you off to? / swing by / get in touch with
안병규의 미드 열전 - The Office

Episode 14 오늘 땡땡이치자! - 학교생활.경쟁
Let’s hit the road. / We are history. / fair and square / She has a head start. / We are even. / Let’s play hooky. / The game ended in a draw. / neck and neck / You want to bet? / It’s a toss-up. / get along swimmingly / good sport / We have a lot in common. / get someone some time off / one-on-one / joined at the hip / old stomping ground / drive a wedge between / be on one’s good behavior
안병규의 미드 열전 - Will & Grace

Episode 15 눈코 뜰 새 없이 바빠요! - 회사.업무
bump up the ladder / They’re not my forte. / go public / be up to one’s ears in work / I’m on it. / by the book / pack it up / go under / hit rock bottom / bring someone on board / file for chapter eleven / work one’s ass off / pick up the slack / crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s / come up with / as a rule of thumb / put all one’s cards on the table / every trick in the book / pull an all-nighter / stay afloat / control the purse strings / bring someone up to speed / across the board / on paper / I’m on the ropes / circle the drain / roll over the loans / cross it off one’s list / iron out the details / dust off the resume
안병규의 미드 열전 - What I Like about You

Index 찾아보기

Susan hit on her doctor. (<위기의 주부들>의 한 장면)
수잔이 의사를 때렸다고?
수술을 받기 위해 병원에 입원하게 된 Susan. 그런데 그만 자신의 차트를 들고 선 잘생긴 의사에게 첫눈에 반하게 됩니다.

비록 환자의 몸이지만 본능에 충실한 Susan은 의사에게 작업을 들어가기에 이릅니다. 그 모습을 두고 뒤에서 이렇게 수근덕대죠. “Susan hit on her doctor.” 아니, 사랑에 빠진 여자가 남자를 왜 때린답니까? 네, 여기서 hit on은 바로 “작업하다 / 유혹하다”의 뜻이랍니다.-본문 중에서 - 알라딘
Get a hold of her parents! (<그레이 아나토미>의 한 장면)
부모님께 뭘 쥐어주라는 거야?
응급실이 갑자기 초비상입니다. 총에 맞은 환자들이 후송되어 온 것이죠. 꽃미남 의사 선생님 데릭은 환자들을 최대한 빨리 진단하고 응급처치를 하느라 정신이 없습니다.

이때 한 여자 환자의 상태가 자못 심각해 보이자 다급한 목소리로 외칩니다. “Get a hold of her parents!” 환자의 생명이 경각에 달린 이때, 부모를 잡고 뭘 어쩌겠다는 걸까요? 네, 이 말은 바로 “이 여자 부모한테 연락해봐!”라는 뜻이지요.-본문 중에서 - 알라딘
저자 : 안병규
  • 최근작 : <Hello Listening 기본 (테이프 별매)>,<Hello Listening 실전 (테이프 별매)>,<미드 자막없이 즐겨라> … 총 13종 (모두보기)
  • 소개 : 88년 미국 Washington University 영문학과를 졸업했다. 우리나라 최초로 민병철 어학원에 시트콤을 영어 교재로 도입했고, 93-2001년까지 10년 동안 이익훈 어학원에서 강사로 일했다.
    2002년 1월 '안병규 어학원'으로 독립하여 오프라인 뿐 아니라 온라인의www.abkoniar.com 에서도 인기리에 강의하고 있다.

    재미있고 알찬 강의로 '돼지샘'이라는 별명과 함께 입소문에 입소문을 거쳐 수많은 학생들이 매니아층을 형성하고 있다.
  • 링크 :