영단어는 외우는 게 아닙니다~ - 조민규 지음, 강병목 외 그림/NEWRUN(뉴런) |
네이버 인기 영어카페 '영어단어는 외우는 게 아닙니다'의 주인장인 조티처가 카페 회원들을 통해 검증한 조티처 방식의 엮음 학습법으로 영단어를 가르쳐준다. 쉽게 외워질 뿐만 아니라 한번 입력된 영단어는 절대 까먹지 않는다.
[첫째 날]
just - justice - judge - prejudice - adjust
mini - miniskirt - miniature - minute - minimize - minimum
mini - diminish - minister - administration
fat - fate - fatal - fatigue
road - broad - abroad - board - aboard - load
police officer(s) - polite - polish - policy - Metropolice
restroom - rest - rest - arrest
press - express - pressure - impress - impressive - depress - depression - suppress - oppress
serve - servant - service - reserve - reservation - preserve - preservative(s)
serve - conserve - conservative - deserve - observe
her - heir - inherit - inherent - heritage
parent(s) - apparent - appear - transparent - transfer - patent
count - discount - account - account for - accountant
price - precious - appreciate - depreciate
flow - fluent - affluent - superfluous - fluid - influenza - influence - influx - fluctuate
cup - occupy - occupation - accept - receipt - receive
[둘째 날]
APT - apt - adapt - aptitude - attitude - altitude - latitude - longitude
[첫째 날]
just - justice - judge - prejudice - adjust
mini - miniskirt - miniature - minute - minimize - minimum
mini - diminish - minister - administration
fat - fate - fatal - fatigue
road - broad - abroad - board - aboard - load
police officer(s) - polite - polish - policy - Metropolice
restroom - rest - rest - arrest
press - express - pressure - impress - impressive - depress - depression - suppress - oppress
serve - servant - service - reserve - reservation - preserve - preservative(s)
serve - conserve - conservative - deserve - observe
her - heir - inherit - inherent - heritage
parent(s) - apparent - appear - transparent - transfer - patent
count - discount - account - account for - accountant
price - precious - appreciate - depreciate
flow - fluent - affluent - superfluous - fluid - influenza - influence - influx - fluctuate
cup - occupy - occupation - accept - receipt - receive
[둘째 날]
APT - apt - adapt - aptitude - attitude - altitude - latitude - longitude
table - stable - unstable - establish
alarm - arms - arm - alert
computer - dispute - reputation - alternative - shift
Internet - wireless - access - process - excess - excessive - recession
enter - entertain - entertainment - enterprise
sent - sentimental - consent - consensus - sense - sensitive - assent
note - notice - notice - notify - notorious
author - authentic - authority - authorities
film - firm - infirm - confirm
side - reside - resident - president - subside
[셋째 날]
point - point - appoint - appointment - disappoint
cap - captain - capital - gap
capture - captivate - capacity - capable
final - finish - finite - define - definition - definitely - confine - fine - refine
event - eventually - invent - inventory - prevent - convention - conventional - convenient
select - elect - elective - collect - recollect - neglect - eligible
video - evident - evidence - provident - provide - prudent - prudential
rice - price - prize - appraise
pan - company - companion - accompany
apple - sample - ample - amplify - apply - applicant
banana - ban - banish - abandon
orange - range - arrange - arrangement - rank
[넷째 날]
brother - bother - bridge - branch - bracelet - embrace
sign - signature - significant - assign - assignment
boiler - boil - broil - embroil
treatment - treat - retreat - entreat - treaty - portrait - trait
one - united - unique - unification - unanimous
two - double - doubt - doubtful - duplicate
problem - probe - prove - approve
touch - contact - contagious - attach - tag
sit - site - sight - eyesight - sightseeing - Sat. - satellite - satisfy
secret - secretary - sacred - sacrifice - sanction
close - enclose - disclose - include - exclude - conclude - preclude - seclude - isolate
[다섯째 날]
vacation - vacuum - vacant - vacancy - evacuate
stick - sticker - stick to
stick - stir - stir up - instigate - instinct
package - backpack - pack - compact
horror - horrible - horrify - abhor
terror - terrible - terrify - deter - deteriorate
visit - visa - revise - supervise - supervisor
bank - bankrupt - interrupt - corrupt - abrupt
terminal - term - terminate - exterminate - determine
bound - rebound - boundary - abound - abundant
have - behave - habit - hobby - inhabit - exhibit
swim - swing - switch - sweep - sway - swift
man - command - demand - demanding - commend - recommend
pose - propose - purpose - expose - deposit
attract - distract - extract - abstract - contract
[여섯째 날]
spring - sprout - spirit - respire - expire - inspire - perspire - aspire - conspire
world cup - assist - insist - persist - resist
tent - pretend - intend - potent - potential - content
dome - domain - domestic - dominate
KBS - broadcast - cast - forecast - overcast - downcast
quiz - require - inquire - acquire - acquired
volume - enroll - revolve - involve - evolve - develop
mission - permission - dismiss - miss
ten - attend - attention - tension - extension - extend
solve - solution - absolute - resolve - resolution
band - bend - bind - bond - bundle - combine
do - due - due to - overdue - duty - on duty - off duty - duty
tempo - temporary - contemporary - tempt - attempt
short - shy - shame - shock - shrimp - shrink
insert - exert - assert - desert - dessert - dissertation
[일곱째 날]
clinic - climb - incline - decline - recline
prison - comprehend - comprehension - apprehend
ear - hear - earn - year - yearn
part - department - depart - partial - impartial
ache - headache - toothache - stomachache - backache - pain
nurse - nurture - nourish - nutrition
strong - structure - construct - destruct - obstruct - instruct
turn - tornado - torture - torment - disturb
act - active - activate - acute - sharp - exact - react - transact
same - resemble - assemble - similar - simultaneous
test - contest - testify - testimony - detest
sure - ensure - insure - insurance - assure
그렇다면 -rupt가 들어간 다른 단어들도 한번 살펴봐요. 먼저 interrupt는 '방해하다'라는 뜻의 단어예요. inter-가 '(양자)사이에=between'라는 뜻을 가지고 있구요, -rupt는 부수는=break 것을 의미하니까 사이에 들어가서 분위기를 부수는 것, 즉, '방해하다'라는 의미를 갖게 된 거죠.
질문할 게 있어서 선생님을 찾아갔는데 선생님이 바빠 보이시네요. 그럴 땐 이렇게 말하며 다가가세요. Am I interrupting anything? 제가 방해하는 것 아니에요? 이번엔 com=(=together)이라는 녀석을 -rupt앞에 붙여볼게요. 이때 com-의 -m-은 -rupt의 -r- 때문에 발음하기 쉽게 -r-로 바뀐답니다.-본문 178p 중에서 - 알라딘
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